____ ____, 62, is a father, small-business owner and avid surfer. He’s also one of 105,000 people in California — and 760,000 nationally — listed as a sex offender. In accordance with federal law, his name, photograph and home address appear in a public, online offender registry. In 1979, ____, then 27, was convicted of lewd and lascivious acts with a minor under the age of 14.
“I thought I could do whatever I wanted,” ____ says. “Add on some alcohol, and I was a real asshole.”
Today, ____ considers himself a reformed man. He says he hasn’t had a drink in 30 years, is a Taoist and advocate for restorative justice — encouraging violent people to make amends for their actions. But, he says, “It seems that I can never be forgiven.” Full Article
Finally, a portrayal of Frank that doesn’t make him look like a convict. I mean the photo itself, but also the body of the article was very humanely done.
Kudos go to Aljazeera publication and the journalist Puck Lo.
I agree with Tim, finally the author tells a well balanced story of Frank Lindsey, a man who happens to be one of the thousands who live life on the registry.
My Heart is bursting with gratitude to Frank for exposing himself to the world on behalf of thousands of citizens.
Ready for some comedy?
Notice how “pedophile” is conflated with “sex offender” and those words are synonymous with each other.
It’s on that website so it MUST be true!
I almost threw up when I read the “mission statement.”